Thursday, 29 August 2013

The Month of May: Love's War & the boyfriends dissertation

Hello Sweets !

The month of May was an extremely busy month for me! In between work, I was starring in one of my closest friends film dissertation called 'Love's War", helping the boy with his dissertation, my weekly Wednesday helping hand at the Rose Youth Theater and a short trip across the sea to Northern Ireland on a visit to see my best friend in her home land. Can you say busy, busy, busy?! I've decided to split this into two posts otherwise it could get rather lengthy and we don't want you dropping off into your cups of teas !

Love's War

So, during the month of May acting and being in front of a camera was very much a regular thing. Now I'm no stranger to being in front of a camera but I was nervous! I may not be a stranger to film acting but i'm certainly no expert after having only done one previous short film before this one. So yeah, I had some butterflies! These butterflies were partly because I felt a bit rusty, partly because I felt slightly out of my comfort zone, partly because I didn't want to let my friend down but mainly because our scene involved fire, and a lot of it! So when our time came I settled down in the back of the car with my tummy full of butterflies and I started to loose myself in my own daydreams gripping my boyfriends hand as I let my thoughts take me somewhere that did not involve fire! 

We shortly arrived at our set and with us already being in our costumes we headed up the bumpy path which soon quickly opened out onto a wide stretch of bare fields and rubble with two trenches dug out at either side and a partly burnt door in the center of it all. It was slightly calming until Josh approached with petrol then pulled out a lighter, and then informed me that I was going to be walking bare foot along a firey path and then opening up a burning door to reveal my boyfriend on the other side! This was named "The Lovers Sequence". I think now might be the right time to give you all a brief description of the film! So the film is an abstract film on war. Josh shows in the film different images of war, love and the dying men's last visions so to speak of the loves they have left at home. For example there girlfriends, mums, brothers, friends. It's filled with dance, acting and still images and in my opinion a very lovely and gripping piece. Anyway back to the day! So as we started to set up I had realised that I had left a part of my costume at home (I blame the nerves) ! So Ian and I ran and jumped into his car and drove hastily back to the house so I could grab my shirt, then we quickly made a cheeky cup of tea (ssshh don't tell the others) and 
headed back on our merry way clutching our mugs. 

Yes Ian was driving whilst sipping his tea!
So the shoot went on and it was wonderful and not dangerous at all! Josh made it extremely safe and fun. I really do love working with those boys, they create magical things with their camera's and over all he got a strong first for his short film. Very well deserved!

All photographs taken either by Joshua Gwynne, Samuel Joseph Wall, Ian Casey, Jessica Rose McGee or using a tripod.

The Boys Dissertation

I am going to keep this short but sweet as I got a tinsy bit carried away with "Love's War" ! However it doesn't mean that I am not proud of my boy!

When Ian Dressed as a tramp for a victim Photo
So my lovely Sammie's dissertation was a short performance loosely based on Jekyll and Hyde and Elementary (the new take on Sherlock Holmes, if you haven't watched it yet i highly recommend it). It was about a detective investigating a string of murders involving a man called Kane. After some serious investigating happening in front us it became clear that Kane was in fact the alter ego of said detective. Some serious stuff! The piece was filled with riddles and clues ending in a hard hitting confrontation between the two personalities! It really was a truly gripping piece. My boy worked so hard on this piece and had me and one of our good friends called Vicky in there until the earlier hours of the morning watching, commenting and helping him out. It all payed of though as he got a fantastic grade of 2:1 for it! In my eyes he should have got a first but only we know how much time was spent writing and preparing
 himself for such a demanding piece of drama. I am so very proud of him though, my shining star!

Until next time my fellow day dreamers! 

Monday, 1 July 2013

A little apology note

Hello there lovlies.

This is just a small wee post to apologise about my severe lack of posting, I am aware its been over a month since I last wrote anything for you guys to read and i'm ever so sorry about this. It's been extremely hard for me to find time to write to you all about what I have been up to ! Ive been extremely busy, you see it was boyfriend's dissertation and what with me already doing mine last year he grabbed all my free time in helping him achieve a fantastic piece. With in that month of me catching up to speed on all the different performance practioners and sitting in his rehearsals to give him feed back and help him create what he had in his mind onto stage I was also juggling work and my volunteering at the youth theatre ! On top of that I took an adventure to Northern Ireland and then off to wales for my birthday ! Not to mention moving out, moving back home only to move out again next week ! So as you can see ive been rather on the busy side ! I'm hopeless at finding time to do so much and blog as well BUT I promise you all this is about to change. I have got a busy couple of days catching up with all my old friends before I leave and not to mention heading down to Liverpool on the Wednesday to watch the final performance of the youth theatre but tonight after I have started dinner I am going to make myself a good cup of tea and aim to write you 2 whole blog posts with what I have been up to the past 2 and all ! And then one next week with what ive been doing before I leave Warwick for the final time (well kind of as my brother and dad will still be living here !)

Once again I am really sorry...I bet you all thought I had given up... trust me I started to believe I had done as well ! But this is going to change. I enjoy this far too much.

So keep an eye out in the next couple of hours you should have 2 shiny new posts to read and keep you entertained!

Until then my sweets


update: I was also starring in my friends dissertation film piece as well ! Such a busy bee i've been !

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Busy as a bee.

Hello there lovely people :)

So i'm completely dedicated to this blog thing now ! Not only have i been thinking about what i'm going to write in this post over the last few days but also making sure i have some lovely pictures to show you all photographing my day, trying to make it slightly more interesting than it may have been !

So on Thursday my day started like this. The boy woke me up in bed by bringing me my lovely (always needed) morning cup of tea and lovely little treat of a jam filled, pink icing, iced finger bun. Yum. It's safe to say i started the morning with a big smile on my face. Obviously, i thought to myself, i couldn't JUST have a single iced bun for breakfast, not with the long day i've got ahead of me, so i got myself my usual bowl of porridge and, of course, another cup of tea. Then i headed of to work.
The day started of slow. Usual getting there, hanging up my coat, heading straight for the tea bags and hot water, then standing at the pass, hoping and praying that someone would like to come have lunch with us at 12pm (normally people don't end up coming in until around 1ish so a lot of waiting and looking busy happens). Just as i got myself into a comfortable stance and started to let my mind take me to my next adventure of New Zeland and all of it's wonderful greenland and fresh air we got our first customers. Then began my day at approximately 12:30 pm. And so continued my day. Many people coming and going, many times said over "Can I get you any drinks?" and many times running up and down the stairs carrying plates and fetching drinks. It's not that i hate my job it's just that i don't see myself in this area of work. Yes at times it can be fun. Yes at times i meet some lovely, happy people, the type of people that you can't help smile at. But sometimes, sometimes i really do get fed up and feel myself stuck in a rut. I've been doing this since i was 13 (obviously i went to school, sixth form and University whilst doing so) and i really did not see myself, at the age of 21, still doing it. It's not where i want to be. Yes i'm taking steps into what i want to do but it's not fast enough for me, i guess i'm used to the fast paced life style of a waitress, everything must be there as quick as possible. I'm not going to let it get me down though. Most of the people i work with are lovely and i'm happy just to have a job. I'm just concentrating on moving my life forward and doing what really makes me content day in and day out, working in the acting business  On a side note i am very grateful to The Rose Theater at Edgehill university for letting me volunteer and learn from them and also to all my friends in the media department, with out them i wouldn't be acting right now ! So at least there is some sanity to my life !

Moving on to Friday. Friday was a very different day from Thursday ! As i was working late on Thursday i got up slightly later than planned and found myself in a slight rush for work ! So instead of my usual breakfast i grabbed some Brivita breakfast biscuits, the milk and cereal ones, and got them down my neck with a cup of tea and then rushed of to work. Side note- You need to try these biscuits, at first i thought how could some biscuits fill you up but they really do ! They've become my god send on busy working days where i may not have enough time for some breakfast and they really do feel me up until lunch time/my break time. Perfect !
As soon as i got into work and the doors opened we had a a rush of people, well who wouldn't want to be out on such a glorious sunny day with sky's like this:

So right from the start i was rushing around, doing my usual waitress duties and, with just 2 of us on, it was killer. The whole of downstairs was full and half of the upstairs area of the restaurant was too. It was safe to say that by the time my break came (which i had to take late due to the mad rush) i was already shattered.
Of course i still found time for quick cheeky cup of tea half way through service ! But no time for day dreaming or images of beautiful foreign places running through my mind.
On Thursday night i decided that Friday would be the day to finally dip dye/ombre my hair like i had been longing to do so for around 2 years ! I saw the advert for the Loreal Wild Ombre kit on the Wednesday and, as a hair dye virgin, i thought well that looks extremely easy to use so i thought hey why not give it a go. So in my break off i went and i purchased my self colour NO 1 and set that aside, nervously, for when my evening shift was over. Friday evening was extremely busy. It always is on a Friday. But due to my long hours i'd already worked this week my supervisor cut me some slack and let me leave a 10. Granted it had slowed down by then and became very manageable with the 4 of them that were left on. Despite it being full to the brim with people all night long and mad rushes through out the day i couldn't stop my mind from wondering back home to that box sat on my chester draws, waiting for me to get my paws on it. I kept visualising my self with beautifully ombered hair. And of course not so beautifully ombered hair as my main thought was "What if this goes horribly wrong and i end up with streaky tiger stripes?" So when it came to taking the plunge i was extremely nervous. As soon as i got in i threw on one of my boyfriends old t.shirts and started combing through my locks with the dye, not without my boyfriend there supervising me, giving me some moral support. Finally after the dye had been on for 25 minutes and doing a test of the colour i washed it off and dried my hair to find that my worst night mares had not, in fact, been confirmed. I ended up with a lovely, almost honey brown sort of colour with hints of lighter blonde in there as well. It was perfect ! I didn't want anything too drastic as it was my first time so i had my reservations and i'd always pictured my dip dye to be more understated so it was safe to say i was very happy with the results and i still am ! Here's my hair now:
Excuse my boyfriend in the back on the left hand one and my slight un-kept hair on the right one, it had braved much wind and fresh air before the right hand picture was taken. So as you can see from the pictures it's not too drastic and i like that. It's obvious enough to notice it but not to in your face. My only regret is i didn't leave the dye on for that bit longer and sometimes i feel it may look a bit ginger? Thoughts? So i'm not to sure if i should get another kit and just touch it up a bit or would that react with the dye on my hair already and turn it ginger? If any one could help me with that question i would very much appreciate it ! As far as the kit went, extremely easy to use as a first time dyer the only downside was i found my self running out of dye slightly as i was on the second part of my hair, considering that though i'm content with the results and happy i finally took the plunge !

So today came. Where me and the boyfriend had a long, very deserving lie in. Once we were up and dressed we wandered in to town and did a food shop which we desperately needed to do as it was long over due ! So after buying many tasty meals and snacks, including some almond milk for me to try with my porridge and cereal to give it an added kick we settled down in the conservatory with a cup of green tea each and set ourselves a little green tea and candle work station. Where i would work on my blog and he on his dissertation.
Yes it was a lovely Saturday indeed. Filled with smiles and giggles. We are both currently still sat in here now as i type. The room filled with candles and a small heater to keep us comfy and warm as it tends to get slightly chilly in here, drinking a corna (moved on from tea) waiting for our 2 good friends, Ian and Josh, to come back from filming so we can all sit down, relax and have a well needed distressing drink together. Yes i am excited for there return. However i am not excited to go to work tomorrow. I would rather be sitting back, relaxing and enjoying a Sunday. I wont complain though, i need the money for my visit to Ireland in 2 weeks to see my best friend Jill, Eeek !
How was your Saturday my lovelies? What did you all get up to?

Enjoy you're evening, relax and put your feet up. I promise my next post won't be as long ;)

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The first post for Day dreaming, Wanderlust & Tea.

Hello there beautiful boys & girls.

So I've been contemplating for some time now whether or not I should start blogging. I once owned (and still do own)  a tumblr blog. How ever it got rather neglected once i got into my final year of university. With the work load, my job and the social life i just couldn't keep up with it therefor i ended up posting a pretty picture once in a while to keep what little followers i had left entertained. I do feel slightly bad about rejecting tumblr however it's not really the type of blog where you can write, more of a "here's a lovely picture i found" type of blog these days. However since i am officially back in the blogging world I have decided that maybe i should give my tumblr a make over (as well as starting this lovely little blog) deleting all my pointless posts about the ex and my whinges and moans and keep it as an inspiration picture blog. I haven't quite made up my mind about this yet. Keep your eyed peeled though as a link may appear in the side linking you to my tumblr if it ever gets said make over. Don't be alarmed though this blog isn't going to be filled with just words ! I shall add photographs to make my blog post's a more easy read. They will be more of an add in however, illustrating my posts with wonderful pictures of what i have been up to, what i'm dreaming of, places i long to visit, plans of said places i long to visit and of course the odd tea post !

You may or may not have noticed my little about me on the side over there... --->
Well if you have or you haven't i'm going to be giving you a short introduction of my self. 
My name is Jessica Rose McGee. I'm 21 years of age (soon to be 22 eek!) and I have a degree in drama and acting. Unfortunately i'm currently still working as a waitress BUT i do volunteer at the local youth theater as a teaching assistant there twice a week as i have big dreams and plans of one day owning my own little youth theater group helping those children who can not afford big expenses drama groups. So big dreams and big plans from a not so big girl.
I recently traveled to Australia where i lived and worked in Melbourne. I would say that this started my wanderlust however that would be a lie. It was my moth long trip to Greece living with the locals that started it. I will soon write you a lovely post littered with photographs of my Australian adventure.
I'm currently in a relationship with the lovely Samuel aka boysie (make sick noises now) and we have been together for over a year, still going strong and making future plans of houses. Yes i am quite content with him.
I have one younger brother who, unfortunatly, is also called Samuel. He is 19 and currently a chef. He was the one that encouraged me to go to Australia as he was over there, and, like me, has a bad case of Wanderlust. He is also my best friend and we have a very strange loving, best friend, banter sort of relationship that not many people get, but, when you've been through what we have been through you become close like that.
I'm not sure what else to inform you with about me so maybe i should move on...

So my lovelies. Today i finally got a day of work and headed into town with the wonderful Samuel after a lovely evening staying at one of our dear friends houses, Josh with our other dear friend Ian. After a lovely evening of eating pizza and playing with his two crazy collies we all headed to bed with huge smiles on our faces. Me and my love spent the day wondering around town buying vases and eating at the lovely lime tyger where it was a steak sandwich for me and a lovely plant pot dessert for sharing on the cards ! 
I was supposed to be at the Youth Theater tonight but sadly illness has taken me and i haven't been able to attend. So tonight i think i'm just going to relax, drink my tea, put my feet up, shove some tissue up my nose and read my book on serial killers...yes that's right you did read that. I have an interest in the way there minds work, so i'm not reading about the horrendous crimes they committed (well not in detail) i'm reading about how there minds work and what is it in the human brain that can drive someone to physically hurt another human. So i guess i'm into physiology as well... i'm more obsessed with the way the human brain works actually than i am with how a serial killers brain works as it isn't the first book i've read on the human mind. I may follow this up with "Looking for Alaska" by John Green later though as it's beautifully written and reminds me of my dear "The Perks of being a Wallflower".

I've just realised how long this post is ! I'm so sorry dears it looks like i may have gotten carried away there ! Sorry for the lack of photographs in my first post, unfortunately i did not expect to be making this tonight there for i'm very under prepared ! This shall not happen again ! I'm going to stick the kettle on now and make myself a lovely cuppa and settle down with my book. Tell me guys, how do you take your tea/coffee? My tea has to be strong yet milky with one sugar served in my lovely china floral mug. What's you're favourite mug to drink from?

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams and sleep well