Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The first post for Day dreaming, Wanderlust & Tea.

Hello there beautiful boys & girls.

So I've been contemplating for some time now whether or not I should start blogging. I once owned (and still do own)  a tumblr blog. How ever it got rather neglected once i got into my final year of university. With the work load, my job and the social life i just couldn't keep up with it therefor i ended up posting a pretty picture once in a while to keep what little followers i had left entertained. I do feel slightly bad about rejecting tumblr however it's not really the type of blog where you can write, more of a "here's a lovely picture i found" type of blog these days. However since i am officially back in the blogging world I have decided that maybe i should give my tumblr a make over (as well as starting this lovely little blog) deleting all my pointless posts about the ex and my whinges and moans and keep it as an inspiration picture blog. I haven't quite made up my mind about this yet. Keep your eyed peeled though as a link may appear in the side linking you to my tumblr if it ever gets said make over. Don't be alarmed though this blog isn't going to be filled with just words ! I shall add photographs to make my blog post's a more easy read. They will be more of an add in however, illustrating my posts with wonderful pictures of what i have been up to, what i'm dreaming of, places i long to visit, plans of said places i long to visit and of course the odd tea post !

You may or may not have noticed my little about me on the side over there... --->
Well if you have or you haven't i'm going to be giving you a short introduction of my self. 
My name is Jessica Rose McGee. I'm 21 years of age (soon to be 22 eek!) and I have a degree in drama and acting. Unfortunately i'm currently still working as a waitress BUT i do volunteer at the local youth theater as a teaching assistant there twice a week as i have big dreams and plans of one day owning my own little youth theater group helping those children who can not afford big expenses drama groups. So big dreams and big plans from a not so big girl.
I recently traveled to Australia where i lived and worked in Melbourne. I would say that this started my wanderlust however that would be a lie. It was my moth long trip to Greece living with the locals that started it. I will soon write you a lovely post littered with photographs of my Australian adventure.
I'm currently in a relationship with the lovely Samuel aka boysie (make sick noises now) and we have been together for over a year, still going strong and making future plans of houses. Yes i am quite content with him.
I have one younger brother who, unfortunatly, is also called Samuel. He is 19 and currently a chef. He was the one that encouraged me to go to Australia as he was over there, and, like me, has a bad case of Wanderlust. He is also my best friend and we have a very strange loving, best friend, banter sort of relationship that not many people get, but, when you've been through what we have been through you become close like that.
I'm not sure what else to inform you with about me so maybe i should move on...

So my lovelies. Today i finally got a day of work and headed into town with the wonderful Samuel after a lovely evening staying at one of our dear friends houses, Josh with our other dear friend Ian. After a lovely evening of eating pizza and playing with his two crazy collies we all headed to bed with huge smiles on our faces. Me and my love spent the day wondering around town buying vases and eating at the lovely lime tyger where it was a steak sandwich for me and a lovely plant pot dessert for sharing on the cards ! 
I was supposed to be at the Youth Theater tonight but sadly illness has taken me and i haven't been able to attend. So tonight i think i'm just going to relax, drink my tea, put my feet up, shove some tissue up my nose and read my book on serial killers...yes that's right you did read that. I have an interest in the way there minds work, so i'm not reading about the horrendous crimes they committed (well not in detail) i'm reading about how there minds work and what is it in the human brain that can drive someone to physically hurt another human. So i guess i'm into physiology as well... i'm more obsessed with the way the human brain works actually than i am with how a serial killers brain works as it isn't the first book i've read on the human mind. I may follow this up with "Looking for Alaska" by John Green later though as it's beautifully written and reminds me of my dear "The Perks of being a Wallflower".

I've just realised how long this post is ! I'm so sorry dears it looks like i may have gotten carried away there ! Sorry for the lack of photographs in my first post, unfortunately i did not expect to be making this tonight there for i'm very under prepared ! This shall not happen again ! I'm going to stick the kettle on now and make myself a lovely cuppa and settle down with my book. Tell me guys, how do you take your tea/coffee? My tea has to be strong yet milky with one sugar served in my lovely china floral mug. What's you're favourite mug to drink from?

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams and sleep well 


  1. Welcome to blogging! I am new to it too :D
    Hmm I like mine strong no sugar and in a Mosses Pottery mug ;)

    1. Thank you very much :) A welcome is in order for you as well it seems ! So welcome :)
      Taking some getting used to the layouts etc but i think i've got it sorted and fingers crossed i can blog daily if not at least a couple of times a week !

      It sounds like you like your tea like my boyfriend does ! He will approve. I can have it with or without sugar but much prefer it with. Thats the beauty in tea, it works no matter how it's made... most of the time ;)
