Monday, 6 January 2014

The Month of May Part Two: Northern Ireland.

Hello there day dreamers & tea drinkers !

So this is my final part to my month of may post. I'm terribly sorry for the lateness! My blogs been a very wee bit neglected! For those of you that know me will know that my best lives in Northern Ireland. We met at university where we lived together in halls then went on to spending the last 2 years of university life together in the same house along with 6 other people! Over the last 2 years of university we had always discussed taking a trip over the sea so I could visit her cute little town and her beautiful farm house, but we never followed it through! One day in April we were having our weekly natter when we decided that May would be the month she would show me her beautiful secluded farmlands and the Cooks Town nightlife! But what trip would be complete without the rest of our best. So we quickly said our goodbyes and hurriedly text Alison and Chloe informing them of our decision. All I kept thinking about was how great it would be to finally have the girls back together as uni blues seriously started to creep there way back in! We both got a speedy reply of YES from Alison but unfortunately Chloe had used all her holiday at work and couldn't make it. I was slightly disappointed but at least 3 of us could be together again! So for the next month or so i began my day dreams of Northern Ireland. I could only imagine what it would be like, the green grass, the fields, the spring sun shining down on us. I had been to Ireland before but that was Dublin and I was only a small young Jessica Rose at the time. This time I would be experiencing Ireland as a full grown up lady with 2 of her best friends. I couldn't wait.  

In a flash it became time to pack up my suitcase and head to the airport. My boy and our friend Ian dropped me off. We said our goodbyes and me and the boy shared our kisses before Alison and I skipped off in the direction of departures.
We were only up in the air for what felt like 5 minutes until the wheels hit the ground on Northern Ireland soil. My excitement started to kick in at this point. I was finally visiting my best friend in her own home. Sure it wasn't any where like America or Spain but it was away from England and the place she grew up in, that's what mattered to me. After what felt like a lifetime of waiting for our luggage the time came to walk out of the airport and greet Jill. We hugged, we screamed and we hugged some more. It had been such a long time that we had all been together. We hopped in the car and began chattering away. It was like we had never been apart. We sang along to the radio and took the mick out of each other, it was perfect. We pulled up to Jill's beautiful farm house. I was totally surprised, I did not expect it to be so big and wonderful. I couldn't wait to get in. We explored the old house and the new bits of the old house and all 5 bathrooms and then she took us on a tour of her papa's farmland.
We skipped round the fields, saw cow barns, horse barns and avery scales. We hopped onto the tractor to have a cheeky photo in it and gazed at the sheep. It was truly magical and I couldn't help my self from going into my own day dream of what it would have been like to be a child and grow up here. Jumping around in the brook, chasing the sheep. It would have been magical. I didn't have much time to day dream about being a small girl here as we had to hurry of to Jill's sisters for some tea and home made yummies.
The next few days were jam packed of fun and surprise. We explored Belfast, dressed up in silly primark glasses, giggled, visited a local club called Time as well what would any girls uni reunion be without a good old night out. We got drunk, we sang. We visited the local port for dinner and a fun fair. We spent time with each other. We stayed at her caravan and had late night beach walks and playground fun. We joked. We watched scary movies in her big old empty farm house and scared our selves silly. We laughed. We visited the giants causeway and stared at its beauty. We had a fantastic time.

The days and nights flew by and before I knew it, it was time for Alison and I to hop back on our plan back to England. I had so much fun in Northern Ireland. I'm already planning my next trip for this new year. Hopefully all us girls can be together again.
I hope your May 2013 was as lovely and busy as mine was. If you can remember i'd love to hear your thoughts? Have any of you lovely tea drinkers adventured over to Northern Ireland before or maybe you live there?

Until my next post wonderfuls.

1 comment:

  1. Love love love!

    I so wish to go one day! It seems too dreamy and peaceful to miss out on!
    Plus my dream wedding dress might be there!

    Lovely post miss Jessica Rose.
